I returned to work today.  Duane took my temperature with a scanner and asked me some questions.  It’s a ghost town in the office, with only a few of us here while everyone else works from home.

I walked through the Progress Drive plant and 6th Street plants so far.  I was really impressed with the changes that were made during the last week.  I especially liked the hands free sanitizer stations that are installed all over the place.

I wore a mask with safety glasses all day just to see what it was like.  My glasses didn’t fog up like they do for some people.  I am wearing the normal plastic non-prescription safety glasses with the black rubber seal.  My mask has a bendable tab that conforms to my nose, and I think that helped a lot.  We’re getting these types of masks today, so hopefully the fogging will be kept to a minimum. For those who cannot wear the masks, we will have face shields.  Everyone will have to wear one or the other to be compliant with the latest Michigan order.

Maybe my mask didn’t fog up, but that doesn’t mean I have enjoyed the experience.  It’s a little like breathing into a bag at first.  It doesn’t seem like I’m getting the same amount of fresh air.  Maybe I’ll get used to it.  People in the hospital wear them all day, so I guess this is the new normal for us.

That’s it for today.



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